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Newsletter: October 2022

Dear Parents

I hope that you are all well and are enjoying the half term break.

The weather is starting to get a little chilly so please ensure your child has the correct clothing in the setting. All children need a raincoat ( with a hood ) as we get caught in the rain on school runs. Children, in particular the younger ones, should have layers that we can take on and off as needed. It can chilly in the morning and then warm up during the day. Once again I need to urge that all clothes are named, we now have a box of clothes that we do not know who it belongs to. This box of lost property will be spread out on the bench outside the cabin in the evenings next week, please take what is yours. At the end of the week anything not collected will be put in our spare clothes bag.  

Children have also been bringing items that are not suitable to have in the setting. Rings ,Necklaces (which are dangerous for playing),coins, acorns and small stones. These have then been discarded on the floor and create a choking hazard for the younger children. Please do not allow your  children to bring small items into the setting and check their pockets.

As some of you may have noticed we have a new member of staff who works on a Thursday and Friday. This allows us time to catch up on our paperwork and planning. Petra has bonded well with the children and has been a welcome addition.

I have updated our menus for next term and these will be displayed on the website in the parents area by the end of the week.

The previous newsletter gave the holiday dates. There was a slight error , the first day back will be Wednesday the 4th January. We are still considering the Christmas party and we will update you as soon as we decide. We will still do the secret Santa. For those of you were have not been here over Christmas, children that want to participate can put their names forward . Each child will then be assigned another child to purchase a gift For (not more than £10-£15 pounds). Please let us know by the 4/11 if your child will be participating, all gifts will need to be in by the 2/12.


As usual if there are any queries or concerns please contact me.


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