Where every child shines

Understanding the EYFS
EYFS stands for the Early Years Foundation Stage and it sets the standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old in whichever setting they attend.
This is achieved through guidance from the EYFS Statutory Framework, which supports an integrated approach to early learning and care. It gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children.
There are four guiding principles in the EYFS. These are: every child is unique; every child can learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships; that children learn and develop best in enabling environments; and that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.
There are 7 areas of Learning in the EYFS
More information can be found by clicking
on the EYFS for parents link.

How we implement this at Cabin Kids
We believe in a mixed approach to children's learning and development. Our day is arranged with a mix of adult led activities, different play invitation stations that have been set up and times for complete free play. During free play each child is encouraged to make a choice of what they would like to take out and play with. ​
We have a different theme each term and use this as a focus around which to plan our activities. Within this theme we play games, do art, read stories, sing songs, have a role play area and use small world play.
We have circle time each morning and during this, we discuss the days of the week, the weather, the phonics sound or number of the week. We focus on different shapes and colours, and we also use this time to discuss fun facts about our current theme. This is all done in an interactive manner through stories, songs and games.
We get to know the children through interaction with them, discussions with parents and observations. We use this knowledge to plan activities around their interests. These observations are used to plan for all children's individual leaning and development.